Save Private Property from the Federal Government




Say no to the EPA. On Nov. 1, the Senate voted on S. 1140, the Federal Water Quality Protection Act. Farm Bureau was only a few votes short of a legislative victory to require the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw the final Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule and propose a new regulation.

We need you to thank the Senators who have stood with us and supported Farm Bureau’s efforts.


The EPA is continuing attempts to expand its control over private land and local land use. It wants to force local communities and municipalities to meet its own runoff limits without regard for cost, feasibility or other impacts, and it’s zeroing in on farmers, ranchers, homebuilders and business-owners in the six-state Chesapeake Bay region. Currently these limits are set by state and local regulations, and AFBF believes that creating a federal, super-zoning authority is unlawful.


“It’s about whether EPA has the power to override local decisions on what land can be farmed, where homes can be built, and where schools, hospitals, roads and communities can be developed,” said Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation.


The Chesapeake Bay “blueprint” raises serious concerns about EPA’s power to regulate and restrict land use—and to impose burdensome and unlawful new mandates on the States—under the Clean Water Act. This issue is national in scope—the “blueprint” was specifically designed as a model that can be followed across other watersheds nationwide.




AFBF is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to put a stop to EPA’s bureaucratic overreach, and there’s an important role for you in this effort. Farmers and ranchers nationwide are needed to speak to their legislators and raise awareness of this issue in their local newspapers and other media. If EPA gets a green light from the courts, it plans to take its new regulatory power nationwide.


Learn more here: Farm Bureau Asks Supreme Court to Stop EPA Abuse of Clean Water Act Powers.





Say NO to the EPA




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